NM BioScience Authority – Find out more

The GrowBio NM initiative is a first-of-its-kind collaboration between New Mexico’s research, university, and private sectors, aimed at crafting policies and incentives that will plant the seeds for a thriving biosciences industry in our state.

The Bioscience
Bioscience is a quickly growing sector, with opportunities to create jobs, lead innovation, and solve some of our biggest challenges.

The Bioscience
Bioscience is a quickly growing sector, with opportunities to create jobs, lead innovation, and solve some of our biggest challenges.

Why new mexico?
New Mexico has significant potential to become the next bioscience hub.

Why new mexico?
New Mexico has significant potential to become the next bioscience hub.

GrowBio NM has studied the bioscience industry successes of a number of states with similar conditions.

GrowBio has a strategy for creating a thriving bioscience industry, including access to capital, tax incentives, and community support.

GrowBio NM has a strategy for creating a thriving bioscience industry, including access to capital, tax incentives, and community support.

Building Blocks
New Mexico already has the building blocks for a thriving bioscience community.

Building Blocks
New Mexico already has the building blocks for a thriving bioscience community.

GrowBio NM has put together a strategic plan to foster the bioscience sector in New Mexico, including investment, innovation, and funding.