Spotlight on New Mexico Bioscience: Educational Institutions

Spotlight on New Mexico Bioscience: Educational Institutions

Once a bioscience industry is established, it’s important for a state to develop homegrown talent to meet a company’s staffing needs. New Mexico is fortunate to have many educational institutions whose graduates meet these requirements. These colleges and universities...
Spotlight on New Mexico Bioscience: Local Government

Spotlight on New Mexico Bioscience: Local Government

Local governments are some of the most important players in stimulating the growth of the state’s bioscience sector. Towns and cities can bring together stakeholders from different sectors, including small businesses and startups, entrepreneurs, researchers and...
How States Can Win at Bioscience: Part 2

How States Can Win at Bioscience: Part 2

In Part One of our analysis, we examined some of the strategies that support a thriving bioscience industry. Let’s continue our evaluation of those strategies. Workforce  A thriving industry is only as strong as its workforce. The biosciences require a skilled...
How States Can Win at Bioscience: Part 1

How States Can Win at Bioscience: Part 1

The quest to grow a thriving bioscience sector in New Mexico will require a variety of complementary strategies. Gaining Capital The need for capital is one of the biggest obstacles for building a bioscience business. Potential funding sources include state-funded...
The Path to Bioscience Success: Georgia

The Path to Bioscience Success: Georgia

Case studies from states that have already built vibrant bioscience industries can help New Mexico craft a strategy for success.   Georgia provides a good model. In 1990, it established the Research Alliance, a collaboration among businesses, research...